Why You Should Shop Small This Christmas

Christmas 2021 is just around the corner, meaning so many of us are frantically trying to fill stockings and get those all-important gifts under the tree in time.

Although it's more enticing to shop at larger, chain stores because of how easy and familiar the shopping experience is, there are so many more benefits to shopping small.

In this blog, we're going to delve into why you should switch it up and shop small this Christmas season.


  1. Discover Unique Pieces
    When you shop small, it's important to remember you're shopping a carefully curated selection of products as opposed to more common, mass-produced goods.

    The items you find in small businesses are more likely to reflect a cohesive brand and so if you take a liking to the brand, chances are you will love most, if not all, of their products. 

    The products a small business sells are therefore inevitably going to be much more unique when compared to larger stores. This is great when it comes to gifting and finding pieces to match your individual style.

    All pieces are sourced/created by real people, meaning you'll be able to find unique items you usually wouldn't come across. 

  2. That Feel Good Feeling 
    When you shop small, you're not only supporting a business, you're also supporting a dream. Just know, when you place an order from a small business it means everything to everyone involved. It shows all their hard work has paid off and they can share their passion with someone new! And yes, we also do a little happy dance!

    But we aren't the only ones with that good feeling. When you shop small, you get a certain warm feeling you just don’t get when shopping with big chain stores. 

    By regularly shopping with a small business, you're also building a relationship with all those involved, something you definitely don't get with larger stores. This all makes for a more tailored shopping experience, and who wouldn't want that?!

  3. Customer Service
    All small business owners have started their entrepreneur journeys because they're passionate about their products or services. Because of this, you know they'll go the extra mile to accommodate your needs as their customer. They'll take the time to get to know you and ensure you're satisfied with the product or service they're providing.

    Unlike larger chain stores, small business owners aren't programmed to give pre-written responses, nor do they have targets to hit or commission to make. They do what they do because ultimately they want to share their passion and leave their customers satisfied. Small business owners often work as almost every role in their companies including procurement, marketing, customer service etc which means they're more easily able to understand every customers unique needs. 

    Not only do you get great support from a small business, but you can also get personalised advice. As mentioned, a small business owner will often adopt every role in their company meaning their product knowledge is unmatched. Don't be afraid to get in touch with small business owners to find out more information or get some advice – they will always be more than happy to help.

    Plus, if they're unable to assist you, they'll definitely be able to suggest alternative solutions to you with no hidden motive.

  4. Quality not Quantity
    When it comes to a small business, every single order is so important. Each order is thoroughly quality checked, which is something larger chain stores tend to bypass as they mass-produce and pack orders.

    How many times have you placed an order and an earring clip is loose or a necklace clasp is too stiff? All problems that are rarely heard of when shopping small. However, on the odd occasion this does happen, it's also so much easier to get in touch with small business owners instead of waiting 48 hours to get an automated apology email.

  5. Supporting Female Entrepreneurs
    Did you know only 1 in 3 UK entrepreneurs are female? According to the Alison Rose Review of Female Entrepreneurship in 2019, up to £250 billion of new value could be added to the UK economy if women owned business scaled at the same rate as UK male owned businesses!

    By supporting female owned businesses, you're helping to close the gender gap which in turn will help our economy grow. Pretty amazing if you ask me!

  6. Community Support
    I know the term "community" is vague but it can mean products sold in your home country instead of larger supply chains overseas. This means when you shop small, you're supporting a more ethical e-commence practice.

  7. You’re Buying From a Real Person! 
    Not to say when you shop from larger stores you're not buying from a real person, however, when you shop small you're buying from someone who truly cares - you're not just a number in a long list of orders. 

  8. Reflective Prices
    When shopping small, you know you're getting value for money.

    For instance, in the jewellery industry, prices are hiked up massively. But at Quia Omni our main aim is to provide you with quality products without that huge mark-up. The prices of our products truly reflect their quality and so you can rest assured when you make a purchase, you're getting exactly what you're paying for.

Thank you for taking the time to read through why we believe shopping small this Christmas is the way to go! The list of reasons is endless, but I hope you've enjoyed reading some of the main ones.

Please feel free to get in touch if you'd like any advice on jewellery gifting this festive season.

From our family to yours, thank you for supporting our small business and our dream!

Happy Holidays!

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